He couldn’t wait to meet us!

On Friday April 7th I woke up at midnight to a contraction. I laboured in bed for what felt like forever but turned out to only be a few minutes. My lovely doula was in the next room and was quick to come in and help me through these contractions while daddy got some last minute shut eye. He’d be needing it!

Birth Story Shared By Lindsay

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5 Tips for a Smooth Adjustment to Life with Your New Baby

With each of our children, there are things that I feel like we did very well in the first month and things that we could have done differently that would have helped for a smoother transition, less stress, and more new baby bliss. Here are five insights on simple strategies that can make a big difference those first 30 days with your sweet, new baby! 

Contributed by Kristy Martin Hale, Mother/Writer

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DHA & Pregnancy - What you need to know!

The growing body of research in the field of epigenetics suggests that the mother’s nutritional status during and even before pregnancy is a powerful influence on lifelong health. The conditions we encounter in utero shape everything from our susceptibility to disease to our appetite, metabolism, intelligence, and temperament. Adequate maternal nutrition prior to conception and during pregnancy can protect babies from diabetes, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, and dementia later in life.

If you’re curious to learn more about testing and nutrition for fertility, prenatal, and postpartum health, contact Breanne for more information. Be sure to check the Matraea class and event calendar as Breanne teaches fertility, prenatal, and postpartum nutrition classes alternating months throughout the year.

Written By Breanne Percy - INHC, FDN-P

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Nourishing the New Mama

Growing a baby takes a lot of nutrients!  For nine months, you have been supplying your baby with every bit of goodness it needs to grow and prepare for a brand new life.  After the birth of your baby, it is important to replenish and give yourself the nourishment you need to embrace motherhood. 

Written by Karen Van Dyck Herbalist and Natural Formulator Extrodinaire!

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Keeping Christmas Fun & Focused

I have these warm fuzzy memories of Christmas as a child. My mother always had the house looking festive with decorations, delicious baking and savoury meals being cooked, holiday music playing and fun activities that lasted for days. It seemed so seamless and shaped a deep love of the holidays and the associated family times for me. 

Now that I am a mother, my appreciation for all of that has truly grown ten-fold. My first few christmas experiences as a mother were valid attempts to replicate what I wanted my children to see, smell and experience through the holidays. An honest confession though, it was not seamless, I was exhausted and really did not enjoy much of it. 

Contributor: Kristy Martin Hale, Mother/Writer

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Mama On The Move, Positions for Labour

The journey out from the womb seems like such a short distance, but in reality, navigating the passage through the pelvis is a long journey for a baby! Your muscles, tissue, and bones guide the baby’s positioning throughout labour and birth, and as the baby descends actually assist in signalling when to rotate its head or shoulders or extend to flex its neck.  You can help your baby along the way by changing your positions for labour frequently. 

By Selina Boily, RM

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Is Drinking Herbal Tea Safe In Pregnancy?

Many health care providers including doctors, midwives and naturopaths believe that drinking certain herbal teas during pregnancy is an excellent way to support a healthy pregnancy.

We get most of our vitamins and minerals from our food, however herbal teas can often provide an additional natural source of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and iron that we need when we are pregnant. Due to the lack of clinical studies and trials on most herbs, it is encouraged to use caution when drinking herbal teas in pregnancy. For that reason, the herbs that are commonly found in pregnancy teas are ones that have been used from ancient times and have been proven over time to be not only effective but safe as well.

Contributed by guest blogger Cate Black

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Bloodclots After Childbirth: What's Normal, What's Not

Passing clots of blood is not uncommon during the first two weeks postpartum and clot size can range from the size of a pea to a golf ball – and can be quite shocking if you’re not prepared.

Blood clots form when you are sitting or laying down – remember that blood we talked about pooling in the vagina?  As it pools, the blood may clot. Some women experience discomfort walking or using the toilet and many report that after passing a clot the discomfort goes away. Typically the rule of thumb is golf-ball sized clots are fine but baseball-sized clots require follow up with your midwife or doctor.

However, if you have prolonged red bleeding and clots after the first week postpartum and are experiencing pain in your abdomen or have any sign of fever or chills you should contact your care provider.

Written by Gill Polard

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