Posts tagged pregnancy
5 Tips for a Smooth Adjustment to Life with Your New Baby

With each of our children, there are things that I feel like we did very well in the first month and things that we could have done differently that would have helped for a smoother transition, less stress, and more new baby bliss. Here are five insights on simple strategies that can make a big difference those first 30 days with your sweet, new baby! 

Contributed by Kristy Martin Hale, Mother/Writer

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DHA & Pregnancy - What you need to know!

The growing body of research in the field of epigenetics suggests that the mother’s nutritional status during and even before pregnancy is a powerful influence on lifelong health. The conditions we encounter in utero shape everything from our susceptibility to disease to our appetite, metabolism, intelligence, and temperament. Adequate maternal nutrition prior to conception and during pregnancy can protect babies from diabetes, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, and dementia later in life.

If you’re curious to learn more about testing and nutrition for fertility, prenatal, and postpartum health, contact Breanne for more information. Be sure to check the Matraea class and event calendar as Breanne teaches fertility, prenatal, and postpartum nutrition classes alternating months throughout the year.

Written By Breanne Percy - INHC, FDN-P

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