Why Is Soy Becoming The Hottest Trend In 2022?

Over the past few years, soy has seen significant growth in terms of both production and

consumption. According to data from the United States Department of Agriculture, global

soybean production increased from 278.6 million metric tons in 2016 to 331.2 million tons in

2020. This represents a growth of approximately 19% over a period of just four years.

In terms of consumption, soy has also seen growth in recent years. The demand for soy

products has gained popularity due to their health benefits and the growing popularity of

plant-based diets. As a result, the global market for soy products is expected to reach $101.9

billion by 2025.

This piece will unpack why soy is a hot trend in 2022.

1. Innovation In the Soy Industry

The soy industry, such as U.S. Soy, invests in developing soybean varieties with the end

user’s desired traits. It has also been developing new and innovative products, such as soy-

based meat and dairy alternatives. This increased product variety makes it easier for

consumers to incorporate soy into their diets. The industry has also been focusing on

reducing the fat in soy foods to make these products healthier for consumers.

For example, manufacturers have created low-fat versions of soy burgers and hot dogs,

allowing people to still enjoy the taste of meat without all the fat. This innovation has helped

the soy industry increase sales by targeting health-conscious consumers. The industry has

also been working to develop products that appeal to vegetarians. This is because many

vegetarians rely on soy as their primary source of protein.

2. Increased Awareness of the Health Benefits of Soy

Soy is a plant-based protein source of essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants. It has been

linked to several health benefits, including lowering the risk of heart disease, improving bone

health, and reducing the risk of certain cancers. As more people become aware of these

benefits, they will likely incorporate soy into their diets.

The popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets has also contributed to increased awareness of

the health benefits of soy. The number of vegetarians in the U.S. has grown by 600% over the

past decade, according to a recent survey by the Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG).

Veganism is also on the rise, with recent estimates suggesting that around 3% of Americans

are now vegan. This increase in vegetarianism can be attributed to health reasons, with many

people choosing a plant-based diet to improve their overall well-being. Concerns about meat

consumption and its environmental impact have also contributed to the trend.

3. Increased Demand for Sustainable Food Options

Soy is a sustainable crop that requires less water and land than other protein sources. As

consumers become more environmentally conscious, they are likely to choose soy as a more

sustainable option for food. As the population continues to grow, more and more people will

be looking for sustainable sources of protein that can feed a growing population. This

increased demand for sustainable food options drives more consumers to try soy-based

products, contributing to its increasing popularity.

As the popularity of soy increases, more companies are likely to start producing soy-based

products. This creates an increased demand for soy, which drives prices higher. Soy has been

a popular ingredient in many Asian dishes for centuries. This is why it has developed a strong

following among consumers who enjoy Asian cuisine. However, people are beginning to use

soy as a healthy alternative to traditional meat products such as chicken and beef.

4. Positive Media Coverage

Soy has received positive media coverage, with many articles highlighting its health benefits

and sustainability. This increased visibility is driving more consumers to try soy-based

products. Soy is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of different food products.

The health benefits of soy have been well-documented. Besides, the FDA has approved

several claims for soy protein, including its ability to reduce cholesterol levels, blood

pressure, and triglycerides.

Soy is also an excellent source of many essential nutrients, including calcium, iron, and

vitamins A and B12. It contains all nine essential amino acids that our body cannot produce


5. Increased Demand for Plant-Based Products

As people are becoming more environmentally conscious, there is a growing demand for

plant-based products with a lower carbon footprint than animal products. Soy is a sustainable

and environmentally-friendly option that can be used in many products, from plant-based

meat alternatives to dairy-free milk and yogurt.

As a result, soy is becoming more popular with consumers and businesses. Not only is it

healthier than other types of protein, but it is also more sustainable than animal products.

Wrapping Up

Soy is becoming the hottest trend in 2022 due to its numerous health benefits, increasing

popularity of plant-based diets, demand for sustainable food options, innovation in the

industry, and positive media coverage.

As consumers continue seeking healthier and more sustainable food options, soy will likely

remain popular. The soy industry is also working to develop new and innovative products,

further increasing the popularity of this plant-based protein source. Overall, the growing trend

of soy is likely to continue in the coming years.

Contributed by Jessica Smith


Image source: istockphoto.com

FamilyAmanda Slydell