Gauging Fatigue and Taking Care of Yourself as a Caregiver for a Special Needs Child

While caring for a special needs child is rewarding, it also comes with its share of stress. You can easily focus on your child to the exclusion of your health and wellness. Fortunately, when you assess your fatigue and take time for self-care, you can reduce caregiver fatigue and provide optimal care for your child.

Evaluating Your Fatigue

First, and most importantly, take time to assess your level of mental and physical exhaustion by asking yourself questions such as the following:

• Are you satisfied with your marriage, or is caring for your child interfering?

• Do you get enough sleep? Is your sleep quality good?

• Is your current social support network enough?

• Do you have any symptoms of depression or anxiety? How severe are they?

By thinking about the answers to these questions, you can get an idea of how burnt out you are from caring for someone else. It can also help you recognize if you need to make changes in your life.

Risks of Caregiver Fatigue

Although your goal is to take care of your child, you need to focus on yourself as well, or you won’t be able to provide care to the best of your ability. Ultimately, you should address any symptoms of depression or anxiety, which you can accomplish by taking time for yourself. Additionally, if you don’t center some of your life around you, it’s possible you could overburden your support network or alienate your partner. When you take steps to reduce caregiver fatigue, you won’t fall into the trap of over-caring about yourself at times and neglecting your responsibilities.

Take Time to Think About Your Goals

Taking care of a special needs child is time-consuming, and it’s easy to lose sight of your goals in the process. However, think about the goals you have for yourself. If they include furthering your education or obtaining your dream career, you may want to look into going back to school, possibly online to manage your schedule better.

Would you like the financial freedom and reward of being a business owner one day? Spend time thinking about the type of business that would suit you, such as writing or consulting.

Maybe, there's a hobby you’ve always wanted to try. Make time to attempt it.

Improve Your Home Environment 

Small changes to your home can make a tremendous difference in your health and wellness. For instance, you could add plants to your decor to enhance your mood. Additionally, houseplants may improve the air quality in your home.

Take time to decrease clutter. Messy rooms can cause stress and possibly make it harder for you to function and care for your child. 

Reserve Time for Yourself 

Schedule time for yourself each day. This may mean taking 15 or 30 minutes to perform yoga, meditate, or read a book.

Address Your Caregiver Fatigue

You’ll improve your quality of life in Duncan and be able to focus on being a caregiver when you properly evaluate your fatigue level and take time for self-care.

Don’t forget to see how the Matraea Centre can help.

Submitted by Gwen Payne |