Innovative Ways to Keep Kids Entertained When the Weather Is Bad

As fall fades into winter, there are fewer opportunities for kids to play outside. Unfortunately,

children can get antsy when they're cooped up indoors and don't have a way to expend their

seemingly endless amounts of energy. As a parent, trying to keep them amused can be

tough. Rest assured, there are plenty of fun activities you can introduce to your kids when

it's cold out. Matraea Centre shares some engaging and educational options to inspire you.

Carve out quality time for the kids

Getting kids excited about new activities is easier if you’re joining them. Make time for your

kids, ensuring you prioritize them even when you’re busy with work. Create a plan for

spending time with your kids to make it easier. For example, you might designate a set hour

for quality time—like before bedtime or after dinner—every day. Use this time to engage in

the below activities or make plans for new experiences you want to try together. Being able

to look forward to something new together can be very bonding.

Look to the kitchen for amusement

The kitchen is a great place for educational experiments. You can create homemade soap

and talk about virology, for example, or cook up some yogurt while teaching your little ones

about microbiology. Other ideas include creating ice cream in a bag, experimenting with food

coloring, and cooking up different sauces. You can also teach kids about chemistry by

baking delicious treats like cupcakes.

Use music to get moving

Turn up the volume on the stereo, and get your kid singing and dancing to music. Music is a

great way to learn rhythm and counting. StoryToys notes that learning music can even help

kids master math concepts later in school. Plus, it can be a great form of exercise if you

incorporate dancing too. You can even use music to learn other languages, for example, by

singing in a foreign tongue. If your little one enjoys music, get them started on a musical

instrument. Practicing their instrument will help fill many hours indoors when the weather is

bad outdoors.

Get creative with crafts

Crafting helps kids improve creativity, enhance motor skills, and finetune dexterity. Crafts

can also help kids learn concepts like numbers and colors. For example, if your little one is

creating a beaded bracelet with a pattern, they have to differentiate colors and count beads

to stick to their scheme. Educational kids' crafts include textured finger painting, making leaf

prints, and body tracing. You can also try seasonal crafts.

Try indoor sports to use up energy

Children seem to have endless amounts of energy. Finding ways to expend it safely inside

without ruining your furniture or flooring isn’t always easy. Invest in some safe indoor sports

equipment, like a foam t-ball, tetherball, or basketball set. If you have a lot of space, an

indoor gym like this one can be a great option. Kids can spend endless hours climbing,

swinging, and playing indoors. It’s like your very own playground at home. It can also be

great for building a fort for storytime.

Exercise their imagination with storytelling

Imagination is an important part of childhood, helping kids expand their minds and exercise

their creativity. Get your kids into the fun with storytelling games. PBS has an entire platform

of storytelling games to help. For example, the Sesame Storybook Builder encourages your

child to create their very own book. Other options include Pinkcredible Story Maker and

Story Creator. Alternatively, keep it simple and encourage your child to write their own story

by hand. Then, help them turn it into a bound book with a service like ArtKiveApp.

Keeping kids entertained when they’re stuck inside due to bad weather isn’t easy. However,

the above roundup offers plenty of ideas to inspire you. The most important thing is to set

aside sufficient time for your kids, ensuring you can enjoy these adventures together.

Matraea Centre is a multi-disciplinary, community-based, whole-health collective of

professionals committed to providing safe, gender-informed, anti-racist, and inclusive

services for people at all stages of life. Contact us today to learn more!

Contributed by Carrie Spencer

Photo Credit:

FamilyAmanda Slydell